Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Joanna's Surgery

Blessed be the LORD! for He has heard the voice of our prayers, The LORD is our strength and shield; in Him our hearts trust; so we are helped, and our hearts rejoice and with our song we give thanks to Him. (Psalm 28:6-7)

On November 18th, Joanna had open-heart surgery to remove some muscle that was blocking the flow of blood within her heart. We are happy to report that the surgery was successful and she was released from the hospital within 72 hours! She has recovered with amazing speed; in fact, she has even more energy now than she did before. Mom, Dad, and Joanna are grateful for all the love and support they received from family and friends.

Spending Time with Family

While attending her first wedding ( a childhood friend of Jim's), Joanna poses for some photos with Mom and Dad.

Joanna loves helping out at home. Here she's grounding up spices to put into the family's dinner--chicken soup.


One of Joanna's favorite activities has been her weekly gymnastics class. (Actually it's one of Mom's favorite activities too!) She loves to climb and walk across the balance beams. Mom likes the trampoline the best!

October and Halloween

Joanna and Mommy went to the pumkin patch with their moms group. Joanna had a great time on the tractor ride and loved the petting zoo as well. She picked out a cute little pumpkin to bring home.